Thursday, June 18, 2009

Can You Really Make Money Surfing

Can you really get paid to surf web sites? Yes, as hard as it might to believe, there are web sites that will pay you to view other web sites. The paid-to-surf programs are very popular right now. Because of the popularity, there are also many programs that are defrauds and there aim is to take your money and close up shop.

I am going to tell you how the auto surf programs work and give some peaks when you are ready to enter in one of the surf programs.

Most all of the auto surf programs have several membership levels. Also, the majority also offer free membership programs so you can test drive the program and see if it attracts to you. However, the majority of the free memberships do not pay you to surf but will allow you to earn credits to have other members look at your web site.

After you sign up with one of the get paid to surf programs, you are given an option to choose an upgrade. Depending on the web site, upgrades can start at $1.00 and usually go up to $20.00. Each upgrade you purchase increments the amount of money you get for surfing other members web sites.

The amount of the payment also varies from web site to web site. Payouts range anywhere from 1% each day to 15% each day. Normally, the higher the payout, the greater the danger. Keep in mind that all the paid to surf programs have some certain gamble involved and there are not guarantees and no refunds.

Another item to think about is how long the membership and upgrades last. Some expire in 12 days while others last for one year. None of the paid to surf programs consider their programs an investment. You simply get a membership to the web site. Free memberships often have limits and paid memberships do not. After you buy your membership, you can start earning funding to surf now.

A typical paid-to-surf program might be like this: There are 5 membership levels you can select from. The first level is the free membership. The free membership allows you to earn credits while surfing other members web sites. The credits will allow you to add your web site to the queue and allow other members to view your web site. The other four memberships are paid memberships and each has a different membership and pays you different rates. The first paid membership costs $1.00 and pays you 1% of your membership amount each day you surf the minimum required web sites. The next paid membership pays you 2% daily and costs $5.00. The third paid membership level only costs $10 and pays you 3% of your membership on a day-to-day basis. The last paid membership costs $15 to join and pays 4% of your membership on a daily basis.

All auto surf programs require you review a minimum number of member websites. Most of these programs are auto-look at and you just click the "Start Surfing" button and then your computer will surf the member websites automatically. You can walk away from you computer and come back in 30 to 40 minutes and your surfing is complete for the day. Perform the auto-surfing on a day by day basis and you will be paid the percentage your membership pays. If you purchased the $15 membership level and you surf the minimum number of web sites, you will be paid 60 cents a day. In 25 days, you will have earned your membership fee back, and then each day after the 25th day will be profit. In 60 days, you will have earned a maximum of $36, more than double your membership amount.

The stimulating part of the paid to surf programs is you can increase your membership amount by purchasing upgrades, and this is where you can earn some decent returns. If you increased your upgrades by $300, you would then be earning $12 per day. In 25 days, you have earned your membership fee back, and in 60 days, you have earned $720 on your $300 upgrade. Not a bad return on your initial membership fee for surfing for 30 minutes a day. One paid-to-look at web site has a maximum upgrade of $6,000 and pays 12% per day. That amounts to $720 per day and your upgrade of $6,000 earned back in 9 days. Your membership expires every 12 days and you will get $8,640 back after 12 days.

You need to remember that all the paid to surf websites carry a gamble when you purchase the membership and upgrades. You have to see it like gambling and only use financial support that you can afford to use. Most get paid to surf websites come and go all the time. You need to research and find programs that you feel comfortable with.

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